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Professional Summary

I majored in Marketing and my experience is in strategic and online content creation for many areas.  Ive  been working as Audience Development Specialist for BBTV (BroadbandTv). Im the creator of Pausa Para um Café, a project that exists since 2011 in which I share my love for literature. Currently Pausa Para um Café is a major project that  is present in diferent plataforms such as Youtube, Twitch and Tik tok. 


Data AnalysisCampaign management,,

 Social Media  Branding,  SEO

Community Manager

Risk management  and Event organization


03/2015 - ATUAL

Especialista em Desenvolvimento de Audiência - BBTV

As a audience development specialist, Im responsable for managing accounts and enhancing our relashionship with the content creators, artists and global influencers to boost their digital growth in social media. Through analysis and personalized feedback, I provide strategic insights on a number of topics such as content strategy, SEO, data anlysis, branding, facebook , Youtube, Spotify, Intagram and tik tok monetizing

06 /2018 - 11/2022

Comunication, Marketing and Events Manager - ABRACRIM (Associação Brasileira de Advogados Criminalistas)

Created and managed content strategies for national and state social media legal profiles. I was also responsible for community management, SAC 2.0, creating data analysis profiles, processes and standards, and social media impact reports.

Event planning & coverage:
X EBAC - Annual Brazilian Convention for Criminal Law (2019 - USP, SP)
IIII ENAC - National Convention For Female Criminal Attorneys (2020 - Online)
XI EBAC - Annual Brazilian Convention for Criminal Law (2022 - Costão do Santinho, SC)

06 /2018 - 11/2019

Social Media Analyst -  8itobits

Responsible for Planning & Execution for Content Strategies, Social Media Management, and content creation, having worked with clients such as Bethesda Softworks, Sebinho Bookstore and others, as well as performance analysis and mídia impact.

06 /2018 - 11/2022

Marketing & Social Media Consultant - Elias Mattar Assad

Digital strategic planning of the office with the development of campaigns on Facebook ADS, Google ADS and SEO planning including the development of texts optimized for positioning in search engines.

03 /2012 - 06 /2018

Social Media Analyst - Muito Mais Digital

Production of online content for social networks and blogs, curation and online community management. Management of SEM and Facebok Ads online campaigns, analysis of results and indicators. Online action planning and execution for clients such as: Bompreço Stores, Med Prev, Dermo Manipulações, Bürohaus, Dental Esthetic Center



Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate - Google

Data cleaning, troubleshooting, critical thinking, data ethics and data visualization


Influencer Marketing Program - YOUPIX

Only Influencer Marketing strategic planning training in Latin America


Specialization in Community Management - EBAC - Escola Britânica de Artes Criativas e Tecnologia

Curso focado na criação e gestão de comunidades engajadas em torno de uma marca.


 Marketing - Centro Universitário UNINTER

Representative of Students of Technology Courses at CPA - Own Commission for the Evaluation of Courses with the MEC

My communities

 youtube  Analytics,  Creator Economy,

SEO, Branding,   Literature,  

Games, Pop Culture and


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